Labels:audio cd | cd rom | door | grass | person | sky | table | tree OCR: INTERACTIVE 6400-CD1 EVERYONE TM ENCORE CONTENT RATED BT SOFTWARE resoftiare com COMPACT DISC AGE maci MADE romedia WITH TECHN DATAST TOR From The Editors 1 GAMES MAGAZINE Copyright c 1999 Encore Software Inc All rights reserved GAMES and World's Most Onery Crosswords are the registe trademark 0 Games Puoticati ons inc Selected crosswords and puzzles included this game are the copyright Games Publications inc. and are included with the permission 0 Games Publ lication Inc DIRECTORO COPYRIGHT C 1994 1997 Macromedia, Inc Made with Macromedia isa trademark of Macromedia inc Uses Smacker Video Copyr ight C 1997- 1999 by RAD Game Tools inc. Windows 15 a regis stered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Pentlum isa registered trademark of Intel Corporat ...